
WOW Universe Token (WUT)

ERC-20 contract:


Total supply:

100 million tokens

Token utility:

Protocol governance, unlocking of extra features, subscription discounts and bonuses.

Airdrop (Fair launch, no VCs, no private pre-sales):

Deposits are allowed

Until July 7 | 11:59 PM (CDT)
WUT sale smart contract allows both deposits and withdrawals of USDC (ERC-20).

Withdrawals are allowed

Until July 8 | 11:59 PM (CDT)
WUT sale smart contract allows only withdrawals of USDC.

WUT Listing

July 10 | 8:30 AM (CDT)
$WUT listing on Uniswap and other exchanges

Deposited USDC < 1,000,000,

then all USDC will be exchanged for 1,000,000 WUT and the Public Presale Price (PPP) of WUT will be defined as follows:

Deposited USDC

Deposited USDC > 1,000,000,

then the first 1,000,000 USDC will be exchanged for 1,000,000 WUT ($1 / WUT).
Additional USDC will be exchanged for WUT at $3/WUT (Public Sale Price).